Loading the Database

To load the database you must ingest (create the course JSON), validate (make sure the data makes sense), and digest (load the JSON into the database). You can do so using the following commands:


You will often have to run commands within the Docker containers. To access containers, open the Docker explorer on the left pane. There should be three containers named jhuopensource/semesterly, semesterly, and postgres:12.1. Right clicking any of these should give you the option Attach Shell, which will open a terminal into the corresponding container. For this section, attach the shell to the semesterly container.



To parse JHU data, you will need to acquire an API access key from SIS. Add the key to dev_credentials.py in the semesterly/ directory. Also, note that the [SCHOOLCODE] is jhu.

python manage.py ingest [SCHOOLCODE] --years [YEARS] --terms [TERMS]

For example, use python manage.py ingest jhu --years 2022 --terms Spring to parse Spring 2022 courses. You may also leave out the school code to parse all schools. This will run for a substantial amount of time and is not recommended.


If you have ingested before and still have the JSON file on your device, you may skip ingesting and simply digest the old data. This is useful if you are resetting your database during development and wish to quickly reload course data.


python manage.py digest [SCHOOLCODE]

You may leave out the school code to digest all schools.

Learn More & Advanced Usage

There are advanced methods for using these tools. Detailed options can be viewed by running

python manage.py [command] --help

If you are developing a parser or contributing to the pipeline design, you will more than likely need to learn more. Checkout Data Pipeline Documentation or Add a School


You may need to run Postgres commands beyond what running queries through the Postgres extension is capable of. In this case, attach a shell to the postgres container and run psql -U postgres. You should now be in the postgres shell. You can use \q to leave it.